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May 12, 2019 by Michael Cook From singing alongside dance floor mavens like Peppar Mashay ( Signed Sealed Delivered ) to his own singles such as Let Me Live Again and Just The Way I Am, Glenn Soukesian (formerly known as Colton Ford) knows how to get the boys to hit the dance floor.


EXCLUSIVE: Colton Ford on His New Single, Dating Life & What's Ahead For Him. October 22, 2020 by Ryan Shea. Credit: Joe Oppedisano. You gotta give it up to Colton Ford (not in that way, folks). His ability to remain relevant decades into his career is something noteworthy, admirable and incredible. Oh, and he's still smoking hot so he has.

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Singersongwriter Colton Ford comes out stronger Queer Forty

(Photo by Kevin Hoover) Colton Ford knows his way around a studio. The performer, now 60, entered the music industry right out of high school. "I started gigging at a […]

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Colton Ford has taken a conscious step back from public life over the past seven years. He's released an album (2016's Glenn Soukesian) and several singles, but he hasn't pushed his work the way he had done previously. "I needed time to process the losses I was experiencing during this time; to reflect and grow," he says now.

Singersongwriter Colton Ford comes out stronger Queer Forty